Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cassava Cake

I can say that cassava cake is one of my specialty. I have done different versions of cassava cake. They may be different but they tasted really great.
The ingredients that I have used are seen in the picture above. As you can see, I didn't put sugar on the picture. It is because I only used small amount of sugar. I don't like a very sweet cassava cake. And plus, the condensed milk is already sweet enough.
Making a cassava is not that really difficult. It was time consuming but it is all worth it. I grate the cassava and blend it with milk. Then I have something like the picture above. I didn't use any water. It is pure milk. Then i put leche flan as the topping. Kinda sweet? Not really. I only put a small of sugar in the cassava cake so it will match with the leche flan.

Before the day ends, this is what's left in a tray of cassava cake. It is my family's favorite dessert. They never got bored in eating cassava cake. Even if I make cassava cake for entire week, they still are pretty much addicted to it. I'm really happy that I see them happily eating what I made. Their smiles are all I need so my tiredness will fade away.

I wish I could give you guys a piece of these but all I can give is this picture. Hehehe.  See you guys in my next post.

- Mommy Lilet

Sunday, May 27, 2012


This Sunday, I cooked Menudo for lunch. My eldest daughter went home and slept here for 1 night. She's expecting a baby that's why I decided to cook something delicious and still healthy. And because this is one of her favorite dishes.

To other people, Menudo is usually seen in fiestas, birthdays and other special occasion. I don't usually cook this on occasions because I think Menudo is already a common dish. I learned how to cook Menudo from my mother-in-law. The best Menudo that I've tasted was from my mother-in-law. I learned many recipes from her. And I just make it better and make my own version of it.

I'll try to post the recipes soon. I've been busy and will be busy because the school already starts. I am now focusing on my kids and husband. But of course when I have time, I'll keep on posting my recipes and dishes. See you guys soon.

-Mommy Lilet

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Afritada is one of Filipino families' favorite dish. This is our dinner today. My family really love the dish. "Sauce pa lang, ulam na", my son said. I made more sauce because the kids love it. They usually put some in the rice and mix it. I can say this is a healthy dish because there are vegetables (carrots, potatoes, bell pepper), chicken, and tomato sauce. This is just a simple dish to make. I'll try to post my recipe for the afritada maybe tomorrow. I'll update you guys as soon as I post the recipe. See you guys! :)

-Mommy Lilet

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My kids requested spaghetti for lunch. I'm not contented in buying meals in fastfood chains. Plus, its not that really worth it. So instead of buying spaghetti in a popular fastfood chain, I cooked spaghetti. Good thing I bought ingredients yesterday. I am like a personal chef in our house. Whatever my family wants me to cook, I can cook it.

Anyways, this spaghetti is in Filipino style. What do I mean by Filipino style? The sauce has a little taste of sweetness and a little sour. I added hotdogs, mushroom, groundbeef, cheese and bell pepper  in the sauce. Sauteed in more garlic and onions. Filipinos usually add hotdogs in the spaghetti. Spaghetti is often seen in birthday parties.

 I think that noodles is just as much important as the sauce. A soggy noodles is just a big No for a perfect sauce. It will ruin the dish. To achieve a perfect noodles, I boiled for 15 minutes. Then after draining them and finally, put in a tupperware, I add butter to the noodles. I add butter so that the noddles won't get tangled. And also it add flavor to the noodles.

Being a housewife is a tiring job. I was tired the whole day but seeing my kids smile, it was all worth it.

See you guys in my next post. :)

-Mommy Lilet

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I learned how to cook laing by my friend through a phone call. Being a perfectionist, I again updated the recipe. I like to update recipes because it satisfies my curiosity as a cook. When I'm updating a recipe, I always make it better(not bragging). The pictures above are my three different versions of laing. Starting form the left, it's beef laing, pork laing and fish laing. They all taste good even if they're different from each other. By the way, I am not a Bicolana but anyone who have tasted these always thought that I came from Bicol. Bicolanos are known for making the best Laing. So, I think it's a compliment.

I usually give Laing as a gift to my friends. I once gave Laing to a friend who will be going back to Canada. I gave her one so she could brought it in Canada. I also gave Laing to the boss of my husband. She and her family really love it. They told my husband that they've look for a better Laing but can't find one. They said that my Laing is one of a kind.

Laing is a difficult dish to cook. It takes almost 5 hours to be cook. I cook it on a charcoal, just like the old times. I also use pure coconut milk.  But of course, all the hardships was worth it. It tastes divine. I'm terribly sorry for I can't post the recipe for the Laing because I only estimate the measures in cooking Laing.

See you guys next time in my next posts. I'll try to post frequently. Till next time. Bye.

-Mommy Lilet

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Recipe: Pork Adobo with Chicken Liver

1 kilo of pork kasim
1/2 chicken liver
small amount of cracked black pepper
1/4 cup of soysauce
1/4 cup of vinegar
1/2 cup of oyster sauce
2 tablespoon of brown sugar
3/4 cup of chopped garlic

1. Rinse the pork thoroughly. Then drain, before putting it in the pan.
2. Mix all ingredients except the oyster sauce and chicken liver
3. Leave it to tenderize.
4. If the pork is tender enough, add the chicken liver.
5. After 20 minutes, remove everything in the pan and set apart the sauce. It will be use later on step 10.
6. and fry it on a teflon pan without any cooking oil.
7. If the pork and liver turned brown already, put it first on a clean plate and remove the excess oil in the teflon pan.
8. When the excess oil is already removed, put the pork and liver back again in the teflon pan.
9. Add oyster sauce.
10. If the sauce is already thick, put the set-aside-sauce in the side of the teflon.
11. Leave it for 15 minutes in slow cook.



One of my specialty is this adobo. My friends and family are always asking for this. My byanan(mother-in-law) taught me how to cook adobo when I am just starting as a wife. Through the years, I updated the recipe and finally made my own version, Barbeque Adobo. I'm not bragging about this but anyone who had tasted or consumed this adobo never forgets it and actually, asking for more. That is why this blog is named adobo ni mommy because I became famous with this recipe(not to brag again). And because my friends call this adobo, Adobo ni mommy. They always ask me this for a gift whether the occasion is birthday, christmas or even new year.
Hey everyone, it's me! Hope you like my first post. And I'm terribly sorry for this amateur post. I'm just getting started and tried this out. See you again in my next posts. :D

-Mommy Lilet